Speaking Events

Impact 2022: Remotely Hiring, Managing, Motivating, and Retaining Teams

May 19th, 2022 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST Screening Room, Wythe Hotel

Impact is the world's top gathering of corporate innovation, strategy, emerging tech, and R&D leaders in big organizations.

Hiring during a global pandemic has created an entirely new set of challenges for hiring managers. In this session, Brian will explore and share new opportunities, insights, and approaches on how to effectively engage, hire, mentor, manage, develop, and retain, both in-office and remote—long hallway—teams.

Register here

MMA Smarties Unplugged

November 9th, 2021 1:35 pm EST

Join IBM’s Brian Hull and Grace Murphy as they share strategic insights on how marketers can lean into Creative and advanced AI to win hearts and minds while preparing for what's next in the digital age.

Register here

Fishbowl Live

November 18, 2020, 8 pm EST @Fishbowl Live

Join industry leads in the Advertising event "Innovation & the Creative Process," a spirited discussion about how and when (and whether!) to incorporate data and technology into the creative process.

Global IBM Design Town Hall

May 7, 2020 @Global Virtual Town Hall, IBM Design

Presenting to over 400 global IBM designers and executives, Brian joined his product design colleague, Dee Mustafa-Bowne, sharing how they applied agile work methods to collaborate on leading the design efforts for IBMs COVID-19 Tracker and Q&A with Watson.

TBWA Digital Disruption Series

February 15, 2020 @TBWA’s World Health office in NYC

Featured speaker and presenter at TBWA’s World Health office in NYC with digital disruption health series hosts Walter T Geer III and Galina Khorkova. Brian joined Bryan Rodman from Google for a fireside chat on the future of AI.

Mobile Innovation Summit NYC

February 27, 2018 @ New York Marriott Marquis

Featured presenter and speaker at the 2018 NYC Mobile Innovation Summit sharing methods of monetizing AI and IoT at scale.

Nine Lab’s Design Driven Podcast

November 7th, 2017 @Design Driven Podcast

Brian joins Nine Labs founder and President, J Cornelius to discuss how the Weather Company's Global Creative Lab team utilizes Watson’s cognitive capabilities along with the ultimate trifecta of data–weather, location, and time–to concept, create and deliver advertising products, services, and experiences.

Listen to the Podcast | Read the episode transcript

Samsung Developer Conference

October 18, 2017 @ Moscone Center, San Francisco

Join Brian with other industry leaders in a panel discussion about creating value for consumers via Smart devices, apps, and services.

Watch the session here

Mobile Innovation Summit NYC

March 10 and 11, 2016 @ The Sheraton, Times Square

Featured presenter and speaker at the 2016 NYC Mobile Innovation Summit showcasing how the Weather Channel uses weather data to drive positive consumer engagement with beautifully crafted advertising.

AI Impact on Creative

October 12th, 2023

Hosted by Solomon Page in the ILA Penthouse in NYC, Brian crafted and moderated a panel discussion of creative industry experts on the current, tangible, and real world impacts of AI on the creative and marketing industries.

View the event here

Mobile and Wearables Innovation Summit NYC

March 10 and 11, 2015 @ Regal Battery Park NYC

Featured presenter and speaker at the 2015 NYC Mobile and Wearables Innovation Summit. Showcasing methods of engaging consumers with rewarding IoT products, services, and experiences.

Webcast: Remotely Hiring, Managing, Motivating, and Retaining Teams

August 3rd, 2022 1-2 pm EST

Brian returns to InnoLead to host a follow-up webinar discussion on how to effectively hire, manage, motivate and retain remote individuals and teams

Register here