Campbell's Soup Company: Digital AOR for NA and Cognitive Ads

In 2006 Brian led creative teams to win the Campbell’s Soup Company Digital AOR for NA for Grey Interactive.

In 2010 Brian once again took the reins of leading Campbell’s digital creative when he returned to Grey G2 after spending 3 years as the GCD at Organic Inc., running the award-winning creative for Swanson, V8, Prego & Chunky, Pace, Pepperidge Farms, Goldfish Crackers, and more. 

In 2016, Brian led the creative partnership with Campbell’s as one of the first CPG beta clients for his latest innovation, Watson Ads. Campbells is still using Brian’s cognitive ads to this day.

Campbell’s flagship website featuring information on all Campbell’s soup company products and recipes for one of the largest recipe dissemination portals in the world.

Campbell’s flagship website featuring information on all Campbell’s soup company products and recipes for one of the largest recipe dissemination portals in the world.

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See how Campbell’s uses Watson to create recipes.

Chef Watson + Campbell’s

In 2016, Brian led the incubation, patent, and launch of Watson Ads with Campbells as one of the first clients to pilot the new cognitive ad product at scale. Pairing Chef Watson with Campbell’s tapped into the algorithms tuned from Watson’s vast food and recipe knowledge resources to create brand new recipes - allowing Campbell’s to create, deliver, store and share exciting and personalized recipe recommendations for every mood occasion, and skill level.

How It Works

  • Ad is displayed using relevant WeatherFX triggers

  • Predictive search input for suggestions and ease of text input

  • Watson dynamically recommends recipes and content experiences

  • Coupon promotions and e-commerce

  • Text, email, and social integration


NA website for all Campbell’s V8 beverage products, nutritional information and recipes

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Campbell’s nutrition and wellness information-based website for NA.

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Campbell’s NA destination website for Goldfish crackers. Regularly updated with interactive events and activities for kids.

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Campbell’s NA website and CRM newsletters for Pace featuring all products, recipes and promotions.

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