Caesars Entertainment: Loyalty Promotion Pitch Win
Brian led the strategic creative for Caesars' premier, Total Rewards Program. Influenced by the 'Esc' button on a computer keyboard, Brian created an integrated marketing platform that leveraged the entire suite of Caesar's entertainment properties.
Outdoor awareness stunts and events were scheduled for San Francisco and Chicago, providing attendees with free trial escapes inside tents that featured services of Caesars' entertainment properties, entry into sweepstakes opportunities, and of course, loyalty member acquisitions and service bookings. Official PR Newswire Link. March 2, 2012
Platform: Web, Mobile, Tablet, App, Display, OOH, Social, Direct to Consumer Mail, Gaming, Experiential
Features: HTML 5, Flash, Interactive, Branding, Animation, Video Print, e-CRM, e-Commerce
Conceptual Marketing Platform:
What if you could push a button and be whisked away to a world of dazzling entertainment and amenities?
With our ESC promotion, a few lucky winners will do just that. And we’ll team up with LG Electronics and their retail partners to ensure that millions of other people are surprised and delighted to learn about the range of amenities available at Caesars Entertainment properties, and then join Total Rewards to start spending.
But first, we’ll engage the entire country in a massive, buzz-worthy stunt to get everyone’s attention.