IBM: Chef Watson Cognitive Meal Planner for Smart Appliances
After successfully integrating IBM’s Chef Watson into digital ads for major CPG brands like Campbell’s and Unilever, Brian partnered with IBM’s global electronics and appliance teams to concept and create the Chef Watson Cognitive Meal Planner.
Platforms: Smart Appliances and Electronics, Web, Mobile, Tablet, App, Web, IoT.
Features: HTML5, Interactive, Watson AI (Augmented Intelligence), IR (Image Recognition), ML (Machine Learning), Animation, Video, E-Commerce, Location, Weather, and 1st-Party Data.
Powered by Weather and Chef Watson APIs +Twist (for liquids), the planner seamlessly integrates with existing features in smart appliances and refrigerators (e.g., voice, touch, and image recognition) to quickly create simple recipes and complete meal plans that minimize food waste, automate tasks and grocery purchases that consider dietary constraints, personal preferences and more.